# Slots

# Default slot

It will be inserted indirectly into each sub-component TinderCard of VueTinder, which is the content inside the "card".

<vue-tinder ... >
  <!-- The content inserted here will be displayed the same in each card. -->

# Scoped Slots

  • Argument: { index,data }

Reusable slot for obtaining data from subcomponents, used to customize the contents of the card, index is the index value of the card, data is each object in queue, and the property value is obtained as follows:

<vue-tinder :queue.sync="queue">
  <template slot-scope="scope">
    index:  {{ scoped.index }}
    status: {{ scoped.status }}
    data:   {{ scope.data }}
  <!-- Or directly deconstruct the scoped slot, which will make the scope slots cleaner. -->
  <template slot-scope="{index, status, data}">
    index: {{ index }}
    status:{{ status }}
    data:  {{ data }}

# like

The slot that will gradually become opaque during the right sliding process, the opacity is automatically controlled by VueTinder, and only the slot content and style need to be customized.

The response range is controlled by pointerThreshold (default 0.5).

<vue-tinder :pointer-threshold="0.5" ... >
  <template slot="like">
  <!-- Or -->
  <!-- <img src="..." slot="like"/> -->

# nope

The slots that are gradually opaque during the left-sliding process, and the rest of the features are as above.

# super

The slot that gradually becomes opaque during the sliding process, except for the response range is different from like/nope, the other features are as above.

The response range is controlled by super-threshold (default 0.5).

# down

Similar to super.

The response range is controlled by down-threshold (default 0.5).

# rewind

The slot that disappears and then disappears when the rewind operation is executed.